We proudly introduce the Fleet Resumes team...
Rachel Morse, NCRW, Owner. Rachel is has earned the prestigious national certification sponsored by the National Resume Writers Association, the premier accreditation for resume writers. There are approximately 70 NCRW-accredited resume writers in the United States.
Formatter - Jenny knows what recruiters and HR professionals are looking for, and how to maneuver ATS used by on-line search engines before your resume ever reaches the eyes of a human being. We take formatting seriously.
Editor & Strategist - Rose gives final reviews to documents ensuring a solid strategy. Her career was spent scrutinizing the comprehensive details of wills and critical adoption papers.
Creative Writer - Roberta is on standby for special projects needing a unique feel. Her history includes writing/producing for the Tennessee Nashville Network.
Graphic Designer - Annie is Project Manager for a graphics design company for many products in your grocery store. We are fortunate to have her expertise!
Rachel Morse, NCRW, is a member of the
National Resume Writers Association
Rachel Morse, NCRW
Nationally Certified Resume Writer